

Booming Business The Social Media Way

Most companies today are looking at ways of doing more with less, driving revenue with existing resources and freeing up budget for operations. All are factors that play in to a profitable business in any economic times. However, with the demanding business climate that has all but weeded out organizations that were not fully prepared to "ride out" the recession most look to innovation to address these challenges. Prior to the Social Network boom, while MySpace was in its infancy and Facebook was just a college campus buzz word most companies looked at becoming proactive in their outreach through traditional methods such as direct contact, phone calls, marketing, advertisement and the all popular PR campaign. Now, with the evolution of technology as it happens with all ITIP Social Media has become much more of an integral role for businesses. This trend is becoming a legacy, one in which we may never be able to look back and say "that was a good idea" but rather, it will become the standard in modern business. The ability to connect people with products, customers to buyers even consumers to consumers. This platform of connected information, dynamic user experiences is becoming more and more prominent. Not because everyone is using it, that may be one factor of a hundred but rather the user experience. A technology has emerged in front of everyone that simplifies interactions. It defines how users experience information and collaborate with one another. A photo share may seem simple, post, edit and publish but with these types of interaction comes an expectation that all tasks similar in function should be as simplistic as the rest and, it is. Leveraging what we know about Social Media or Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allows us to understand how people want to use and distribute information which in the end is what makes the world go around. I have been involved in developing compelling user interactions and experiences for some time now, and, it has never been more exciting than the past year. People are beginning to understand that by applying simple design and smooth interactions, users are more adept to learning and using the tools they are provided. Social Networking has done much more than provided a way to connect with friends; it is allowing us to redefine business infrastructure and how economically we go about sharing information. What started as a nice to have is becoming an integral role in must have to survive

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