

Terminate Terminology

In today's post technology world where advances are made everyday it becomes confusing to educate one's self. SFA/BPO/CRM all acronyms that have been thrown around by various companies to try and fornicate their ideas, their visions into a reality.
When first coming in to the Technology industry I realized that when talking to one company about SFA (Sales Force Automation) or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) it became clear to me that far too many people associate these terms with "the last person" they spoke withs idea of what they mean. You may hear ABC company talk about CRM however the meaning to them may be far different that what you would expect.

As opposed to learning the terminology you should decide for you self what it means. What does Business Process Optimization mean to you? How will it enhance your business?
What does Sales Force Automation mean for your company, better efficiency? Higher close rates with your sales team? It may be all of the above, however, allowing yourself to be persuaded into a pro forma depiction of a once revered term shall no longer be the case.
It is not where technology fails it is where we improperly place technology in our Business that determines the negative outcome we so often hear about. It is not the company that sold us the technology who was misleading, it was our judgement for seeking a solution and improperly determining the problem. I too have been at fault for seeking a solution rather than seeking a problem first, we many times think of the return rather than the investment or challenges.
People are naturally incumbent to seek the best path or most positive sight line, however to get the best return we need to seek the most negative impact point and enhance it.

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